Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice

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2015 | September-December | Volume 9 | Issue 3

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[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:1] [Pages No:0 - 0]

   DOI: 10.5005/jocgp-9-3-vii  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Original Article

Marina CC Sousa, Luis G Biteli, Jessica S Maslin, Mauro T Leite, Tiago S Prata

Suitability of the Visual Field Index according to Glaucoma Severity

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:65 - 68]

Keywords: Functional correlation, Functional evaluation, Glaucoma blindness, Stages of glaucoma, Visual field index

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1186  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Purpose: To investigate the suitability of the visual field index (VFI) in different degrees of disease severity in glaucoma patients. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we consecutively enrolled patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and glaucoma suspects (ocular hypertension). All eyes required a reliable standard automated perimetry (SAP) test to be included. Subjects were categorized into five groups based on glaucoma severity using SAP's mean deviation (MD). To evaluate the correlation among VFI, MD and pattern standard deviation (PSD), a linear regression model was built. To evaluate the nature of the correlation (i.e. linear vs nonlinear), results were plotted in a scatterplot graph. Results: One hundred and twenty-two eyes of 81 patients (mean age, 59.8 ± 14.5 years) were included. A strong, positive association was found between MD and VFI values (R2 = 0.98, p < 0.001), showing a 3.2% reduction in the VFI for each dB loss in the MD index. It was noticed that 15% of eyes with mild glaucoma (average MD of -3.1 dB) had VFI > 99%. Considering only the eyes with mild and moderate damage in the regression, we found a weaker (nonlinear) correlation than the one we found using all eyes (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.001). There was also a significant, nonlinear correlation between VFI and PSD (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.001). Although higher PSD values were found with increasing visual field damage, this initial trend was reversed when VFI became smaller than 50%, approximately. Conclusion: Visual field index had a strong correlation with MD; however, this correlation was weaker in mild disease, as some patients with early disease had very high VFI values (ceiling effect). Therefore, initial deterioration in visual field status (as assessed by MD values) in patients with early disease may not be detectable using the VFI alone.


Original Article

Hector Fernando Gomez Goyeneche, Diana Patricia Hernandez-Mendieta, Diego Andres Rodriguez, Ana Irene Sepulveda, Jose Daniel Toledo

Pigment Dispersion Syndrome Progression to Pigmentary Glaucoma in a Latin American Population

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:69 - 72]

Keywords: Intraocular pressure, Pigmentary glaucoma, Pigment dispersion syndrome, Progression

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1187  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objective: To determine the progression of pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) into pigmentary glaucoma (PG) in a population at the Central Military Hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was conducted, based on a review of medical records of patients with PDS evaluated in the Glaucoma Clinic. Data were collected in a database in excel and subsequently analyzed with the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), performing Chi-square test analysis and Spearman's rho test. Results: Forty-eight eyes of 24 patients were included. Forty-two percent were women and 58% were men. Pigmentation of the trabecular meshwork was the most frequent clinical sign (100%), followed by Krukenberg's spindle (91.7%), the least frequent were the iris concavity and iris heterochromia (4.2%), the average of the spherical equivalent was of - 1.33 (SD 2.07). The rate of conversion of PDS to PG was 37.5%, after an average follow-up of 50.7 months. Having an intraocular pressure (IOP) greater than 21 mm Hg was statistically the only significant risk factor for conversion. Conclusion: We found several differences in frequency and clinical signs in these patients in contrast to previous data, probably due to different racial characteristics. The rate of progression is similar to previous reports despite of heterogeneity of these. Having IOP > 21 mm Hg was the only risk factor associated with progression in this sample.



Kelsi L Greider

Utility of Operative Glaucoma Tube Shunt Viscoelastic Bolus Flush

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:73 - 76]

Keywords: Bleb fibrosis, Glaucoma surgery, Glaucoma tube shunt, Intraocular pressure, Modification/revision of glaucoma tube shunt, Ocular hypertension, Viscoelastic

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1188  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Objective: To assess the utility of viscoelastic injection to induce bleb expansion and decrease intraocular pressure (IOP) in eyes with encapsulated glaucoma tube shunt blebs. Design: Case series. Subjects and participants: Forty-three glaucomatous eyes, including 13 eyes with congenital, 13 uveitic, 5 neovascular, 5 open angle, 4 narrow angle and 3 traumatic glaucomas. Methods, interventions or testing: All patients underwent viscoelastic flush procedure. A pre-bent 27 or 30-gauge cannula was passed through a 25-gauge paracentesis, advanced over the iris across the anterior chamber, and insinuated into the tube shunt lumen. Once the cannula was firmly lodged in position, 0.45 to 0.85 ml of viscoelastic was injected to hyperinflate the bleb. Main outcome measures: Paired t-tests were performed comparing preoperative IOP and number of medications used preoperatively vs levels measured at 1, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Results: Intraocular pressure was reduced from a mean preoperative level of 26.0 ± 1.2 (sem) mm Hg to 15.8 ± 1.0 at 1 month, remaining stable thereafter at each 6-month interval with 15.1 ± 1.1 mm Hg at 24 months (p < 0.0001). Medication use did not vary significantly from baseline. Pressure remained < 21 mm Hg after 2 years in 85% of eyes cannulated within 1 year of primary tube shunt implantation (n = 23), and in 62% of eyes cannulated more than 1 year after tube shunt placement (n = 20). Conclusion: Tube shunt expansion with bolus viscoelastic flush successfully restored encapsulated bleb function, providing a substantial (~10 mm Hg) IOP decrease into the mid-normal pressure range. This persisted in the majority of treated eyes for the entire study period.



Muneeb A Faiq, Rizwana Qadri

CYP1B1-mediated Pathobiology of Primary Congenital Glaucoma

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:77 - 80]

Keywords: CYP1B1 gene, Functional genomics, Glaucoma, Intraocular pressure, Pathobiology, Primary congenital glaucoma, Trabecular meshwork

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1189  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


CYP1B1 is a dioxin-inducible enzyme belonging to the cytochrome P450 superfamily. It has been observed to be important in a variety of developmental processes including in utero development of ocular structures. Owing to its role in the developmental biology of eye, its dysfunction can lead to ocular developmental defects. This has been found to be true and CYP1B1 mutations have been observed in a majority of primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) patients from all over the globe. Primary congenital glaucoma is an irreversibly blinding childhood disorder (onset at birth or early infancy) typified by anomalous development of trabecular meshwork (TM). How CYP1B1 causes PCG is not known; however, some basic investigations have been reported. Understanding the CYP1B1 mediated etiopathomechanism of PCG is very important to identify targets for therapy and preventive management. In this perspective, we will make an effort to reconstruct the pathomechanism of PCG in the light of already reported information about the disease and the CYP1B1 gene.



Lívio Costa, João Paulo Cunha, Duarte Amado, Luís Abegão Pinto, Joana Ferreira

Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in Glaucoma's Physiopathology and Surgical Survival Time: A Literature Review

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:5] [Pages No:81 - 85]

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Fibroblasts and cytokines, Glaucoma, Glaucoma surgery, Healing process, Risk factors

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1190  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Glaucoma is a multifactorial condition under serious influence of many risk factors. The role of diabetes mellitus (DM) in glaucoma etiology or progression remains inconclusive. Although, the diabetic patients have different healing mechanism comparing to the general population and it has a possible-negative role on surgical outcomes. This review article attempts to analyze the association of both diseases, glaucoma and DM, before and after the surgery. The epidemiological studies, based mainly in population prevalence analyzes, have shown opposite outcomes in time and even in the most recent articles also the association remains inconclusive. On the contrary, the experimental models based on animal induced chronic hyperglycemia have shown an important association of both diseases, explained by common neurodegenerative mechanisms. Diabetic patients have a different wound healing process in the eye viz-a-viz other organs. The healing process is more and it results in lower surgical survival time, higher intraocular pressure (IOP) levels and, therefore, these patients usually need more medication to lower the IOP. Both randomized and nonrandomized retrospective and experimental molecular studies have shown the association between DM and glaucoma. Further studies are needed to get better explanations about outcomes on more recent surgical procedures and with the exponential use of antifibrotics.



Mukharram Mukhtaramovich Bikbov, Ilnur Ildarovich Khusnitdinov

The Results of the Use of Ahmed Valve in Refractory Glaucoma Surgery

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:86 - 91]

Keywords: Ahmed glaucoma valve, Antimetabolites, Anti-VEGF drugs, Postoperative complications, Refractory glaucoma

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1191  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The treatment of refractory glaucoma (RG) is challenging. The commonly adopted strategy in RG treatment is a glaucoma drainage device (GDD) implantation, which despite its radical nature may not always provide the desired intraocular pressure (IOP) levels for a long term. This review is based on the scientific literature on Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation for refractory glaucoma. The technique of AGV implantation is described and data for both the types, FP7 and FP8 performance are presented. The outcome with adjunct antimetabolite and anti-VEGF drugs are also highlighted. An insight is given about experimental and histological examinations of the filtering bleb encapsulation. The article also describes various complications and measures to prevent them.



Julia Yan Yu Chan, Bonnie NK Choy, Alex LK Ng, Jennifer WH Shum

Review on the Management of Primary Congenital Glaucoma

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:8] [Pages No:92 - 99]

Keywords: Primary congenital glaucoma, Childhood glaucoma, Goniotomy, Trabeculotomy, Pediatric glaucoma surgery

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1192  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Despite being documented in medical history from over 2400 years ago, primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), being a disease with low incidence rate, remains a challenge to ophthalmologists. The article provides a broad overview on the pathophysiology and diagnostic approach to PCG with major emphasis on the treatment options of PCG. While reviewing on the well-established treatment options, namely goniotomy, trabeculo-tomy and combined trabeculotomy-trabeculectomy, emphasis has also been made to recent updates on secondary treatments: trabeculectomy, antimetabolites, glaucoma-drainage devices and cyclodestructive procedures. It is, however, important to note that the rarity of PCG places limitations on study design, most studies are, thus, retrospective, nonrandomized and have different definitions of surgical success. Ophthalmologists need to interpret the results with critical thinking and formulate individual treatment plans for each patient.



Mariana Patricia Hardin Sheales, Elsie Chan, Ghee Soon Ang, Yu Xiang George Kong

Elevated Intraocular Pressure after Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty in Patients with a Trabeculectomy: A Case Series

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:9] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:100 - 103]

Keywords: Cornea, Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, Glaucoma, Intraocular pressure, Trabeculectomy

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10008-1193  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


We report a case series of three patients with previous trabeculectomies who developed elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) in the immediate postoperative period after routine Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK). All patients had functioning trabeculectomies preoperatively, and developed elevated IOP between 41 and 69 mm Hg within 24 hours following DSAEK surgery. The IOP was successfully controlled in all patients with topical IOP-lowering medications and oral acetazolamide, with the addition of ocular massage and release of aqueous for two patients. Thereafter, all patients maintained well-controlled IOPs. Patients with trabeculectomies should be followed-up closely immediately after DSAEK to monitor for raised IOP. The mechanism for this pressure rise is uncertain, but may involve air in the trabeculectomy sclerostomy or bleb resulting in blockage of aqueous flow.


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